David Montagnes
The Docks
The Albert Dock Splashing down in the sheltered docks, a Liver Bird celebrates Liverpool’s maritime history. These docks opened in the 1840s and were revolutionary in their design for bringing goods to the UK and Europe. In the 60s and 70s mechanisation drove Liverpool’s Victorian docks into disuse and disrepair. Through regeneration in the 1980s this bustling world heritage site has again risen as a hub for commerce and travellers.
The Liver Bird Series is a playful exploration of Liverpool’s iconic buildings and spaces through visits of the gigantic Liver Bird, the city’s mythical symbol. Following a four-century old tradition, David Montagnes has based the Liver Bird on a cormorant clasping a strand of seaweed in its beak. To celebrate Liverpool’s past and current role as a cosmopolitan port he has adopted a semi-oriental style, including “oriental-script” that under close inspection spells out “Liver Bird”.
About David Montagnes Montagnes is an ecologist at the University of Liverpool, where he maintains an active research programme and has taught thousands of students over the past two decades. As a young scientist Montagnes supported his education through art and illustration, drawing in detail new species and providing graphics for books. Liverpool’s vibrancy and architecture have inspired him to rekindle his latent artistic talents. The Liver Bird Series captures his affection for this city.
David Montagnes
The Docks