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Celia John

Inside the Cavern Club

Inside the Cavern Club

This is the stage inside the Cavern Club, at 10 Mathew Street, Liverpool, where Brian Epstein first saw the Beatles play. The Quarrymen made their first appearance at the club in 1958 and in 1961 the group first performed at the club under their new name “The Beatles’. They performed approximately 292 times at the club with a final appearance there on 3 August 1963—one month after the group recorded “She loves you”
The club was eventually demolished in 1973 to allow construction of an underground railway ventilation duct and later a car park. A replica of the club was built on seventy-five percent of the original site in 1984, using 15,000 bricks retrieved from the original club site.

Celia John

Inside the Cavern Club

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